Letters, June 29 – Winnipeg Free Press

Transit fares optional
A year and a half ago, I had a seizure and MPI took my licence away. Since then, I’ve been forced to take Winnipeg Transit and I absolutely hate it.
It’s annoying and frustrating when I have to pay more than $100 per month for a bus pass and then I’m forced to watch person after person getting on the bus without paying. Equally annoying is having to stand in the cold wind or rain because most of the bus shelters are full of passed-out people, garbage, urine, fecal matter and other disgusting things.
I have many videos that show people just walking on the bus without paying or even acknowledging the driver. This is a major issue Winnipeg Transit turns a blind eye to because it is too afraid to deal with. Then, all additional costs and fare increases are passed on to the honest customers like myself who pay for a bus pass.
How about we let everyone who takes a bus know that just walking on without paying is a totally acceptable option? Or, are there different rules depending on who you are?
Richard Reginald Vandale
PM flees domestic woes
Re: Canada pledges funds as G7 develops response to famine fallout (June 26)
Meanwhile, back home in Manitoba and throughout Canada, we face an inflation rate not seen since 40 years ago, a survey shows 57 per cent of Manitobans say they are are struggling financially, there are record exhorbitant prices at the gas pumps while oil companies see record profits, banks raise interest rates while their profits reach record levels, food bank usage is rising, and some Indigenous people are still boiling their drinking water.
So what does Prime Minister Justin Trudeau do? Flies off to Rwanda, Germany and Spain to cure the woes of everyone but Canadians.
Janice Chase
Unearthing corruption at AFN
Re: Annual meeting becomes battleground for AFN (Opinion, June 27)
I applaud columnist Niigaan Sinclair for his assessment of the current dissension regarding the leadership of ANF National Chief RoseAnne Archibald.
Where huge amounts of money are at stake, the greedy and power-hungry are invariably at work, pushing to take a share of the spoils, regardless of the corruption involved. Big business and politics are always infected with individuals of this mindset, and the tug of war is never ending.
It is uplifting and encouraging when leaders with integrity are elected to make changes that would restore fairness to situations that have become corrupt.
I hope Archibald prevails, and the perpetrators of greed and power that she is dealing with are uncovered for public scrutiny, wherever they are lurking.
Carol R. Edwards
Abortion ruling devastating
Re: Let U.S. abortion decision radicalize you (June 27)
If you cannot control your own body, you cannot control your life.
The horrendous decision on U.S. abortions made by groups of men in courts and in elected bodies will affect every part of a woman’s life: her family, her employment options, her health, her well-being.
Women forced to get illegal abortions will die because of this ruling. Children will be born and raised by women who don’t want them, families will be torn apart.
As with so many political decisions, the pain will be greatest for those who have the least power. This is a terrible blow to women who fought so hard to gain equality and personal autonomy and will have devastating impact of all of us. I am outraged.
Linda Taylor
If abortion rights are human rights, when is a fetus’s life considered to have human rights and have the right to live? Does Jen Zoratti draw the line on legal abortion until the end of the first trimester, or the second, or even the third, or up to birth, which would bring up the problem of infanticide?
Is Zoratti in favour of abortion on demand, no matter what the circumstances? Did she purposely avoid the words “unborn baby” knowing the words would elicit a positive emotional response? She doesn’t say, she just wants to radicalize the issue as if it isn’t radicalized enough. No mention of those who have had abortions and suffered mental issues the rest of their lives because of it.
With surveys in many places showing a 50/50 split between pro-choice and pro-life, this is far more complicated than just demanding radicalization and protest, which is what Zoratti proposes.
For the record, I am pro-choice up to the end of the first trimester. By then, one should have made their decision.
Kim Trethart
ER shortages alarming
Re: Paramedics asked to take on HSC emergency room duties (June 27)
When I learned that, due to shortages in Winnipeg hospitals, paramedics have been asked to help out, I felt concern and frustration about health-care shortages, but then I remembered that a couple of months ago, both the premier and health minister said they were monitoring the issue. What a relief! I feel so much better for remembering that they’re monitoring the issue.
Rick Gallant
According to Health Minister Audrey Gordon, “I don’t think it’ll be just the paramedics that you see in the ER. I think you’ll see other specialties, too. I don’t think I’m going to say no to any offers that come forward from the various associations or specialties or how long that might be for.”
Veterinarians, dentists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, phytologists, philosophers, fashion designers. Are those just a few of the specialists we may see in the ER, since Gordon is not going to say no?
Gloria Enns
No sympathy for jailed athlete
Re: WNBA star Brittney Griner ordered to trial Friday in Russia (June 27)
So, Women’s National Basketball Association star Brittney Griner has been arrested in connection with alleged drug charges in Russia. She was charged for having a small amount of cannabis oil.
My question is this: why would you have anything deemed illegal on your person while you’re in a country ruled by a brutal dictator?
Her spouse claims she is a political pawn. Unfortunately, she made herself a pawn. If she had not had an illegal substance on her, this wouldn’t be an issue.
Ken Campbell
Seeking venue to celebrate Canada
Re: Forks’ rationale hogwash (Letters, June 28)
I don’t get why The Forks changed the name to A New Day. It’s so silly, and causing so much stress. I for one will stay away from The Forks and hope to find a venue with an event called Canada Day.
Eva Haddad
Yes, unfortunately, Canada is not a perfect country. There are 197 countries on our earth; none of them is perfect. The human race is definitely not perfect.
Despite that, Canada is a glorious and free country and we are fortunate to live here. Happy Canada Day!
Jeff Hammond
City slogan that holds water
Re: ‘Real’ alternatives to slogan (Letters, June 23)
There have been a number of negative opinions regarding the City of Winnipeg’s new slogan “Winnipeg: Made from what’s real.”
I believe I have a better slogan. It is “Winnipeg: We’re barely keeping our heads above water.”
Not only is it literally true, but it gives a realistic assessment of the city’s finances. Now, that’s real!
Kurt Clyde