Ways To Detox At The Spa
We are bombarded with toxins each and every day. They are in the foods we eat, the air we breathe and in things we touch but most of us don’t give it a second thought. More and more, though, people are beginning to understand the business of detoxing, that is, ridding our bodies of the toxins that build up over time.
The good news is that there are many ways we can detox our bodies, and most of them are readily available at a spa near you. Now you can be pampered and be doing something good for your bodily systems all at the same time. Most of us have heard of the steam room or sauna where we go to sweat out all the bad stuff that’s floating around inside of us. This is usually done after other treatments, and opens up the pores, leaving you refreshed inside and out.
Fancier ways to detox, however are numerous. Take for example the lymphatic drainage massage, one that promises to boost circulation, drain trapped water and toxins out of your body and is done by gentle movements on your face, neck and body. Sounds relaxing, right? Then there’s the seaweed bath (which can also be done with salt). Here you soak in a big tub filled with seaweed, salt or a combination of both and allow the minerals to enter your body while the water draws out the toxins.
If a soak isn’t for you, you can take in a salt scrub or a seaweed wrap, and there are also mud baths and mud wraps that do the same thing, leaving your skin soft and your mind exhilarated.
While some people would jump at the chance to go to a spa, for others it’s just too touchy feely and they’d rather do something a little less invasive. Enter the ionic detox, something that many chiropractic offices offer around the country. Here you simply put your feet into a bowl of warm salty water and let the array (a copper attachment) push and pull the ions through your body, bringing toxins out with them. You’ll be amazed at the colour of the water when your treatment is done! All of that was just swimming around inside of you, those accumulated toxins that we pick up during the course of every day.